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 Post subject: Plywood or 2" styrofoam?
PostPosted: Sat Nov 08, 2014 2:17 pm 

Joined: Sun Nov 02, 2014 10:28 am
Posts: 1
I'm redesigning my HOn30 micro because I'm not happy with commercial offerings in HOn30 track. My choices were Tillig or Peco, and both are code 80, and my current layout has a mix of Peco and Atlas code 80. I ordered a #4 jig and a bunch of other stuff to get started, and it should be here early next week. I see Tim had worked on an N scale micro with code 40, using blue foam and WS foam roadbed. The current layout is 1" foam over a 1/2" ply base. I am not much of a carpenter, so I'm stuck.

I need to keep weight down, because I want the micro to be portable, but I also know that I need BULLETPROOF track to get these little buggers to run well. So...can I slap some 2" foam on a 1/2" ply box base (with intermediate supports of course) or do I need to have this over engineered monster?

The track will be laid directly on the sub roadbed, or I may lay it on 1/8" hardboard.


Thanks for the help! I'm ready to cut wood, so the sooner the better!


PostPosted: Mon Nov 10, 2014 1:31 pm 

Joined: Tue May 29, 2007 12:20 pm
Posts: 100
Location: Oklahoma City, OK
I have seen many good running modules in Free-mo portable layouts built with 2" foam and wood frame.

You might also consider 1" foam and 1/4 plywood support for stiffness.

You can glue cork roadbed to foam directly and lay track on roadbed with no problem.

Only drawback to using 2" foam is if you have turnouts on thick foam. It gets hard to control turnouts with thick foam, unless you use surface mounted controls.

I have seen one person who cut square in foam and used perf board to mount tortoise controller just under the turnout, but resessing the perf board in top of foam.

Kurt Konrath

SP was king of the road, Cotten Belt will run forever! D&RGW will rule the hills!

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